Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Close Quarters, Slocanada, 7 June 2017

Those who thought of themselves as other
Might have suggested embracing the other,
But rarely the ones they thought of as other
Than themselves. The other was my partner,
Almost always part of me. I can't say I liked
Or embraced my other happily, although I
Often did embrace my other. Other than
That, there were the drifting logs clotting
The rising bay, preventing a clean swim,
Some evenings preventing any swim at all.
Daughter played builder of good pirate ships
By the shore, hauling out planks of flotsam,
Christening them as boats, good or evil,
Then decorating them with pollen and leaves
Before refloating them into the general
Slow-spinning armada, so that each one
Could, in imagination, fiercely fight the other.

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