Saturday, June 24, 2017

Revelstoke, British Columbia, 24 June 2017

Colorado kind of town. Decade ago
Had no rooms left on a summer Friday, sent
A body on to Glacier. Now an appearance
Of a place to pay for minor, essential repairs.
Cute enough. Prosperous. Peaceful. End
Of someone's world every month, at least
Every year, and many a week nonetheless.
Man with his mouth full of marbles couldn't
Have said it better, although maybe quicker.
The breeze in the tops of the conifers,
The traffic on Canada One, the summer
Students carrying music camp instruments,
The college students home on holiday
From Vancouver and Kelowna, the hunch
In the back, hunch in the parasitic mind
Having infected another brain over a screen,
A laptop or such at the Main Street Cafe.
No one will ever know what happened here,
Even if many claim it was nothing much,
Even if many, confused by breathing, forget.

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