Thursday, June 29, 2017

Darkest Barkshadow, Slocanada, 29 June 2017

Daughter played outside in the sunny corner
Of sloping lawn bordered by hemlocks,
One day that is, and spent another indulged
With computer games indoors. The two
Seemed to reinforce each other, however,
Elaborate nests of practiced tricks, skill sets,
In the way Daniel Dor suggests that words
And the world co-generate the technological
Dialectic of imagination, experiences not
Possible without language but not, either,
Determined exactly by it. Daughter made
Names for the fairies and doglike heroes
Of the castles and forts in the grass, names
Suggestive of formulas from game-makers
But of her own invention as well, Darkest
Barkshadow, Deleaf Roof Demok,
Spikeneedle Talit Roof, Rosetta Bark, and
Her hero, Gardener Leafneedle. Should body
Feel fraught with guilt for taking these leafy
Names down for later use, or for allowing
Hours and hours of screen time, or for
Not having daughter learning in classrooms
And piano lessons instead? "There's a little
Monster that comes out of his hole, and he's
Looking for the words," daughter said.

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