Thursday, June 22, 2017

Yasodhara Ashram, British Columbia, 22 June 2017

Half collapsed on a half-collapsed bench
Among lupines and buttercups, squirrels
Protesting each other's presence per usual
In the cedars and hemlocks behind, visitors
Such as self, but compounded of bodies,
Selves, and largely inherited minds of their
Own distinctions, wandering the trails,
A tractor and a backhoe grunting in unison
Up in the new temple under construction,
Daughter somewhere on the grounds,
In the gardens, exploring, freed from
The silence of a meditative buffet lunch,
I tried to unwind my composite awareness
As the long day passed swiftly and made,
Unmade me. Shadows and breezes, humans
Taking themselves and their beliefs seriously
As the squirrels did, what would it, what
Could it come to but more of never exactly
The same, unsocial light shining on social
Beings who felt a need to improve things?

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