Thursday, July 20, 2017

Admiralty House, British Columbia, 20 July 2017

The one thing body didn't like was death.
Illogical, yes, but not body's fault.
Self, the one who'd be annihilated,
Only disliked suffering and dying.
Mind obsessed about everything, of course,
And awareness had always been a ghost.
The quartet was seized with melancholy
Across the street from the Admiralty House
When the pathetic thought began in mind
That no one who could've been old enough

To recollect seeing that building built
Had been alive for a very long time.
Self wanted to counter with a story
Good to keep self in at least someone's mind
After this mind had redispersed itself.
Awareness flickered over the blue sky,
Settling briefly on that Admiralty House,
Then on memories of self in other
Times, then on the conversation of folks
Eating lunch at a green picnic table.

"OK, you should drink this." "My money was
Safer than yours." Body heaved everyone
Upright and hobbled past the picnickers
To the car to drive away from the scene.
At a small turnout by a narrow creek
An hour later and away, awareness
Was set to drift among forest shadows
Occasionally diverting to roars
Of motorbikes and trucks past the turnoff.
What had any of this to do with death?

Self thought nothing. Mind added nothing much.

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