Saturday, July 8, 2017

Rosebery, Slocanada, 8 July 2017

Body woke to mind and self bickering
Over whether the last chapter had begun
And what a foolish notion chapters were
In a continuously and indivisibly dividing
Cosmos. That last paradox interested mind.
Given constant change, where were seams?
The very continuity made all lines arbitrary,
But the only continuous thing was difference
And difference was exactly not continuity.
Body felt head spinning but knew it was
An old delusion created by infectious mind.
Self sighed to self. Mind could not let it go.
No matter how thinly sliced the moment,
There was always difference during the slice.
But when did difference slip in and how
Could anything ever be different at all
Without any break ever in the continuous
Change? Body, aching and grumbling
And pretty sure that the chapter begun
Was more like an epilogue already, offered
Bait to mind and self from somewhere
Near the nightside cellars of the brain:
Change occurs continuously only when
It's not being noticed. The cosmos is
A watched pot that only boils because
No mind can watch it all at once. See?
In the time you took to attend to me, clouds
Have gathered out of nothing and the blue
Reflections of the lake have all turned grey.
The light shifted over the roofs at Rosebery
While you bickered and it became another day.

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