Sunday, July 9, 2017

North Shore Bigelow Bay, Slocanada, 9 July 2017

At Fermilab and CERN they found, years
Apart, evidence for charmed baryons
Paired, respectively, with down and up
Quarks, and although their measurements
Of mass so far refused to square each other,
The physicists making their reports spoke
Almost casually of instability, one baryon
Decaying within fifty millionths of a billionth
Of a second, the other in thirty millionths
Of a billionth of a second. This was not 
Armchair introspection, this calculation
Of creation and decay on scales
Of millionths of billionths of seconds.
"Appeared to decay instantaneously," 
Glossed the New York Times, but there was
No instantaneously, probably never was.
There were intervals down to infinity,
In each of which something happened,
Something arose and disappeared, became
Something else. Body was back on the dock
Where a rotten plank planted the whole
Corpus in driftwood and gravel, painfully,
Already more than a month earlier. The heat
Beat down. Machinery roared in the woods
Clearing a new path where spring floods
Wiped out the last. The water, blown glass
Mirror with faint wavering reminders
Of uncertainties in all mirrors, all measures,
Apparently didn't care. Every small ripple
Of a wave across the long pebbled arc
Of the shore contained two billion million
Millionths of a billionth of a second, so that
A Blakean universe might have arisen 
And been lost forever, unmeasured, 
Uncelebrated, unknown in the nonce
Between when body twitched and a wave
Caressed the edges of its dead awareness.

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