Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Haze, Slocanada, 12 July 2017

Two weeks of sun and a good thunderstorm
Were all it took, and the world was on fire
Again, creamy haze in the air, fine wood
Smoke from here and there over the ridges,
A blurred light in the green forest, a ghost
Hungry to find some company. Who will
Burn this time, how many, how badly, will
You? The world was one pathetic fallacy
And one pathetic fallacy away from being
Human, humans being its mistake. Who
Else could care so much about a general
Fallacy like "The world," anyway? People
Cared for particulars important to them,
Mostly resources, partners, and themselves.
Body had a craving like the faintly pleasant
Tang of distant, all-pervasive ash in the air,
To toss away all resources, all partnerships,
To leave self naked, alone in hints of flares.
Two deer with velvet summer antlers stared.

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