Monday, April 29, 2019

Chocolate Chip Cookies for Breakfast in the Mountains, 29 April 2019

A child has no idea what it means to be an adult.
A child thinks being grown up means freedom
And power, the chance to be the one who makes decisions.
A child thinks being an adult means choosing and doing
What one has chosen. A child is astonished and annoyed
By the actual choices that the adults nearby keep making.
A child would not choose so stupidly. A child
Would eat chocolate-chip cookies for breakfast,
Would not worry over marriages, future, past, or current,
Would not even consider, much less chew on, a career,
Would never use a vehicle to commute or run errands,
Would use the permission of a driver’s license
To flee into the mountains or light out for the sea,
Would stop wherever and whenever stopping pleased,
Would get going when going felt good and
Would keep going past the closure signs, just to see.
A child has no idea what being an adult means.
It doesn’t mean anything except thinking it means.
Without thinking, we’d be grown up, like we meant to be.

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