Friday, April 12, 2019

Nothing Like the Maybe in Zion, 12 April 2019

“risk is addictive, while ambiguity is just agitating”

The generation and processing of fluids
From brains to veins, hearts to nether parts,
Keeps a metazoan in business, keeps
The exchanges open between the cells.
Dopamine is one such fluid, a substance
Highly regulated. It is the necessary condition
Of our existence. Bewildered by the constant,
Contradictory stream of protrepsis and paraenesis
Pouring from the cloaca maxima of cyberspace,
The hunched figure clicks for rewards, finding
Enough to build a pulsing expectation, but
Few enough to heighten the anticipation.
Are we ready? Yes, we’re ready. Tomorrow 
We’ll leave early, head back upcountry, trailing
Clouds of radiant information as we go.
Data and fluids, digital and analog, alike the slaves
Of the hungry demands of life. The problem
With Dawkins’ old analogy is not that the meme
Is too much unlike the gene but that it is too like.
Has information, that arbitrary prankster, ever
Been in the driver’s seat? We wonder as together
The sloshing, wanting, remembering mess of us
Drives uphill toward solitude, driven by a pump.

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