Sunday, April 29, 2018

Evanston, Wyoming, 29 April 2018

Similar to the Evanston of August, 2000,
When you drove in. Similar to the Evanston
Of aught seven. But of course not the same.
Never the same. Change is eventually
Compounding, even in Evanston, and is
Even something of an ambush predator,
There as everywhere, under the unseen trapdoor.
In 2011, in an Evanston not quite this Evanston,
An officer pulled you over because the inspection
Sticker on your license plate had faded.
She examined it closely, that Evanston officer,
Then determined that it was not expired, but
You needed to procure a new one. And now,
That new sticker is as faded as the old one,
In ever-fading, unexpired Evanston, but no one
Pulls you over on this occasion. A cloud
Wanders in from the horizon, and you’ve
Driven on and away from yet another Evanston.
A billboard vows you’ll come to Hell or Heaven soon.

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