Thursday, April 26, 2018

Invention of a Minor Planet, 26 April 2018

If a half truth is a whole lie, any whole truth
Is two lies. You could laugh and say,
That’s moral math for you, but I say it’s true.
Two lies. There’s nothing humans invented
More deceitful, more tricky than the truth.
Check around this minor planet. Lots of life
Works on various principles of deception.
But to generate a concept (any old concept,
But bear with us, this one is special) of truth
That transcends, that stands apart, essentially,
From its counter-concept, the lie, was itself
A brilliant double lie: first, that there’s such truth,
And second that everything outside it’s a lie.
The truth is a technology, one among many,
An invention. Invention’s another word for a lie.
Well, the universe speaks for itself through us,
Us and our technologies, a few among its products.
We’re only exceptional to our own rules, but
Surely we have thus generated a hint about this
Cosmos of the cloven hoof. Is that not true?

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