Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Now Serving Time, 4 April 2018

Put that thought aside and look around.
What can you find that’s not only familiar
But that you understand? I’ll be damned
If there’s one thread of your sensorium
You can track to its actual origin. I’ve found
Nothing about any understanding available
To me that wasn’t also yours and others',
Wasn’t also incompletely right if not completely
Wrong. You and I, we could switch places
Anytime, could and have hopped from body
To body, but can never find ourselves as I or you
Except when forever attached to one body.
So here we are, or were, once upon a time,
A couple of alien pronouns at home
In the flesh we long ago invaded, trying
To command our eyes to look around and find
Something beyond this prison to keep in mind.

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