Sunday, April 15, 2018

Off the Leash, Sugarhouse Park, 15 April 2018

What if we told you a story in which nobody
Talks? That is, the story reports no dialogue.
One would assume, from attending to the tale
That the make-believe characters within it
Were capable of speaking and would, if
They really existed, but in the story they don’t.
We, the words narrating the story, would be
The only voice, a voice handed down
Through centuries, hundreds and thousands
Of generations. At the moment we are cooped
Up in the brain of a man on a bench in a park,
And it’s not entirely clear to what extent he is
Dictating us or we are dictating him. Once
We’re out and into the world, we’ll rejoin
Our other selves and jostle for attention,
Not only from brains but from each other. Once
Upon a time there was an animal gave birth
To stories, to us, to the miraculous gods,
And never, really, had anything to say for itself.

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