Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Sugarhouse Park, 11 April 2018

Joggers, bicyclists, kids, and dogs running
Around groomed lawns, past duck-filled ponds,
Surrounded by a constantly thrumming ring
Of trucks and cars. Stay far enough from anyone
To not focus on all the smart phones, and,
Apart from minor differences in costumes
And the designs of cars parked in the lots,
This could be an ordinary-seeming city scene
Any time in the past fifty years, or, my whole
Remembered life. So it’s easy to ignore
The alarming weirdness and unpredictable
Terrors that this sunny, normal-seeming spring  
Park would present to any group of humans
Transported to it unprepared from anywhere,
Any century before the past one or one and a half.
People, kids, and dogs they could handle,
Although the variety of dogs and the outfits
On everyone might have given them pause.
But then there'd be the glistening polycarbonate
Towers and slides of the playground, the bicycles
Whizzing along the paths at speeds that match
Horses, none of which are anywhere in sight,
The bizarre pillars of lamps and telephone poles
Linked by wires, the acres of elephant-hide
Grey parking lots, and the strange sculptures
Of the cars there parked, and that’s the tranquil part.
The cars open like carriages and move by themselves,
Dozens, hundreds, even thousands of them,
Gleaming, rumbling, hissing, blinking lights
Stream at speeds no humans ever saw 
Any being or object move before, anywhere,
Rushing within arm’s length of each other
And of pedestrians, and of the whizzing bikes.
Overhead the skies are crossed by omens,
Roaring daylight comets trailing white.
It wouldn’t matter if you were Benjamin Franklin
Himself come back to life, this violent scene
Would give you one hell of an initial fright.
And yet, this is ordinary, and made by us,
And although we continue to domesticate
Ourselves and adapt to the machinery, it’s not
The case that we’ve had time to evolve much.
This is, for now, just ordinary human life.
But look how much larger and faster, how much
More powerful and more precise are the products
Of our collective bodies than our bodies themselves.
Consider this as you sit, small person, in the shade
Or stroll over to get into your thoughtful car.
As this future could not have belonged 
To our past, the next future will not be ours.
Exoskeletons can only grow so large.

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