Thursday, July 26, 2018

An Evening Breeze, Slocanada, 26 July 2018

One red sail and one canoe negotiated
Their purposes cross-wise to the waves.
A boy ahead of his mother and father
Set their cooler down by a log in the shade.
Another evening breeze for another summer
Evening blew invisibly from the sunset haze.
Forest fires piled up again in the Okanagan.
Two hikers gave the swimmer a hello wave.
The boy’s older, quieter sister joined the family
As they settled, her first appearance in days.
People, as the song sang, come together,
And people they fall apart. Every family,
Every friendship, every romance is a phase,
So? So are seasons, hours, arrangements.
The breeze rose and dispersed on the lake.
Even words rarely belong to one phrase.

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