Sunday, July 15, 2018

Pancakes, Slocanada, 15 July 2018

After the pancakes with berries and cream,
The two elder breakfasters sat at the table
And discussed the bizarre shortcomings
Of memories and dreams, while the younger
Two scampered out to run in the woods
And gardens, pick more berries, squabble,
Dance in the garden sprinklers and check
The site of the old tree fort beside the creek.
The morning, fine as it was, and full of good
Food, hospitality, sunshine, forests, flowers,
And leisure, likely would not long haunt and alter
Within the dreams and memories of the elders,
But they both knew that if the two girls lived long
Enough, this day, and, or, other summer days
Much like it, would remain shifting, golden,
Glimmering ghosts in the minds just then at play.

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