Friday, July 20, 2018

Midnight and Change, Slocanada, 20 July 2018

How do we know one outcome better or worse
Than the one that didn’t come out? We only
Have one, however much we compare each
Other’s outcomes to each other’s. Science
Is the art of comparing paired situations
While attempting to eliminate every difference
Except the one and then comparing those outcomes.
We do it again and again until we get pretty good
At the prediction of what we should do if we want
Something to happen, and what we shouldn’t do
If we don’t. But still we get up in the morning
Or afternoon or evening of each life, each in one
And only one complex situation, confused as to how
We got here. Body, mind, self, and awareness
Wrangle in our brains again and we pretend
To make decisions. Sometimes we’re even convinced
That something awful or delightful will happen
And we grin or grimace. Sometimes, we’re even
Proved right. But at the end of the day, that day,
That morning and evening, we’ve no known way
Of knowing, no way of testing, whether
We’re in a worse or better world than we would have
Been, could have been, had we not been right.

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