Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Wolves, Dogs, Dogs, Coyotes, Slocanada, 17 July 2018

We used to be like this.
We used to answer to the voices
Of cousins who were half like us,
The yips to our barks, the barks
To our yips. Howl this.

The village dogs were allowed to bellow,
Bellow their after-midnight barks,
Including a few pipsqueak yipes.
And then, from the cliffs, the hybrids
Weighed in, strangled weird, and howling.

Ask your offspring why wolves teeter,
Handsome social predators, on the lip
Of complete extinction, while their cousins,
Skinny, lippy, skulking omnivorous canids,
Invade the massive cities of their enemies.

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