Thursday, July 12, 2018

Harold Bench, Slocanada, 12 July 2018

You used to be able to keep your feet
On the ground and savor the cedar planks
For their warmth. But that was years ago.
Even the new, higher, composite bench
With the new, more informative plaque
Has been in place a couple of years at least.
A red kayak glides past, itself and every other
Red kayak you ever watched glide over the lake.
The children, you thought, were to have been
Here an hour ago, but children have always
Been late for you. After a short but bracing swim
The sun is quickly hot enough to sting
Your neck and shoulders, reminding you
That this is not the exact same skin you once
Lived in, even though it retains the memories
And scars of past sunburns, injuries, and
Little wars. Time to change, to synchronize
Your experience with the common mind. Time
To clamber off the awkward bench, put on
Your t-shirt and see where your daughter went.

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