Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Flail-yer, Saint George, Utah, 14 August 2018

What would it be like to experience the opposite
Of thought? Not no thought, mind you, not
Silence of the holy, Thich Nhat Hanh variety, but
The polar opposite of thought, unthinking it.
It would be hard to get there, I thought. I thought
Of daughter telling me she knew the words
She couldn’t say, and me thinking she had learned
What words were too taboo, when actually
She meant the words that challenged her too much
To pronounce because of their combinations
Of the English “luh” and “yuh” sounds in close
Proximity, the reason, for instance, that as a toddler
She pronounced yellow as lellow. She clarified
For me. When something doesn’t work right
I try to say the word, but I always say it was
A flail-yer. See? I know what I can’t say but
I can’t say what I can’t say. All I can do is show
You by saying it wrong until you get it. Flail-yer.
Ah, I thought. I can’t unthink what I’ve thought
Either, all I can do is think about how to tell you.

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