Friday, August 17, 2018

Inherently a Coffee Shop, Hurricane, Utah, 17 August 2018

A visitor at the counter told the clerk
He was impressed at how their beer
Selection had been upgraded since
He was last in here. Aha, since when was I
Last in here myself? Since when did the last
Incoherent composition composed in here
Cohere? There’s nothing inherently interesting
About a menu with a few better beers
In a scenic sandwich shop in mostly Mormon
Southwest Utah. But there are ways of marking
The differences of days, as given, as when
I last was in here and no one was complimenting
The weaker beers, and the body in the corner
Was composing prefaces to his multivolume
End of life explanations. It didn’t end, and
Here we are, as bewitched by similarity as ever
But thankful there are now better beers, for it tells
Us that the spell was just a spell, that this is
Not the same, and that nothing inheres in here
After all, but change, but change, but change.

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