Monday, August 27, 2018

Sturgeon Moon Surfacing Over Saint George, Utah, 27 August 2018

Notice how we use the future tense mostly
For planning and coordinating? It’s an odd
Gambit, given how hesitant we are to commit
To exact prophecies other than astronomical.
Or maybe it isn’t. Planning starts in astronomy,
And we’re only committing ourselves to plans
That coordinate with proven patterns
Of sun, moon, and stars. But prophecy means
Committing events beyond our control
And outside of familiar periodicities to occur
When we say they will. That’s riskier, and risk
Obsesses humans, as rarely as mostly of us
Master it, even the least bit. But what the hell.
The sturgeon moon slewed around through full
On schedule. By now it will already be slightly
Diminished. The planets will shine when we expected
Them to shine, for those who are up in the small
Hours to watch and for those who are not.
And all sorts of unforeseen little twists will happen
That will change the fates of all lives, all moons,
And all planets, but we won’t recognize them,
Not even by this morning’s sunrise, will we?

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