Monday, August 20, 2018

Windy Urban Garden, Utah, 20 August 2018

To honestly pursue the truth wherever
We might find it requires the minimum initial
Admission that all truth-seekers are also
All liars. Until we can acknowledge that
Human universal, we are doomed to pass by,
At best, some truths in favor of others, which
We will then fight over passionately, claiming
Higher ground, allegiance with angels, sciences,
And morality while treading the evergreen turf
Of speculation, facts, mysteries, and discoveries
Into unholy mud. At worst, we’ll abandon any
Truth entirely in order to favor our favorite lies.
It’s an open question what truth and only truth
Would truly look like, or even if it exists, but
We’ll never see it without first admitting our need,
As social animals of language and gossip, to lie.

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