Monday, March 25, 2019

A Little Greenery on the Mountain, Desert Mound Road, Utah, 25 March 2019

There is no greater ethical dare
Than to love the world that does not care.
We want to so badly that we try
To make it easier with the lie
That the world is like us, but better,
That there’s intention in the weather,
The seasons, the tides, the stars, the quakes,
One wise God, or gods who make mistakes
And pick favorites, but who care at least.
It feels possible to love a beast,

Impossible to love what can’t hurt.
In high country, where the wind murmurs,
We could try to love the lack of ghosts.
Not our home. We don’t have to play host.
Don’t you love it? How there’s nothing near
That craves love from you, nothing up here?
You want firewood from your scenery,
Learn to keep a little greenery,
But a world without care won’t blame you.
Why not love what can never shame you?

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