Thursday, March 21, 2019

Kicking the Can Down the Road, Saint George Boulevard, 21 March 2019

Solidity is just the behavior of resisting
Intrusion. The astronomers’ equinox arrived
At a traffic light. Light rain on dogwoods
Blossoming along landscaped roads,
Plastic bags caught in their branches.
Don’t open the car windows. Stay solid.
Can’t get out of the game? Extend it.
There’s a stigma to the art of avoidance,
To kicking the can down the road. It’s an art,
Nonetheless, keeping options open longer,
Keeping the more summative changes,
The conclusions, at bay for another day.
Time is not so easily purchased, anyway,
And if you can glide into spring this easily,
Then days in a distant summer, victory,
Windows of opportunities, warm breezes
Over green waves, are no longer so far away.

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