Friday, March 15, 2019

Balcony Poem, 15 March 2019

The Ides again. Orion high. Time for the ovis
Idulis to trot up Via Sacra to the Arx to die.
Time to pay up. How did the Etruscans
Come up with this? What did this mean
To them, in their language mostly forgotten
By the tides of Latinii who conquered them?
Never mind. Great Caesar’s ghost has come
To love the sacrificial spring. When young,
It was the autumn Orion rising, the hunter
Ascendant, bow in hand, that was more
Pleasing. Now, having survived the fall, many,
Many, many falls, including the final swoon
Under the ice, into the water of shuddering
(Ave Charon, nice to see you again), Caesar
Finds he prefers the spring, all of the springs
That bubble up out of the underground,
Like him. Bring on the Ides. This is the north;
The flowers and the warmth have to follow.

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