Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Feoffment with Livery of Seisin, Snow Canyon, Utah, 6 March 2019

I snap a twig from the dry tree next to me.
In a few days it will be spring, which means
So many things. I dig down in the soft sand
Of the damp wash and bury the twig, along
With a coin. I pronounce the magic words,
Invoke the magic name of my mythical king.
Now and forever, for all my heirs, I own this
Land. No one else knows this, but it’s true.
I own the dark green scrub, the broken stone.
I own the sky now polishing its clouds. I own
This basalt outcrop, this cottonwood, this
Poem. Because I am not the poet, am not any
One of the creatures that pass through here,
Not even the land, which can never be mapped
By me exactly, anyway. I am the name that I am,
And I own, the moment I name. Spring. I am.

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