Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Sic et Non Sic, 27 March 2019

“by reference to the larger unity of the logical whole which consists in the assertions p, ~p”

He tried so hard, Abelard.
He saw the contradictions,
Tried his best to resolve them.
Tried to steer clear of trouble
When making his excuses.
Trouble found him just the same.
Contradiction’s inherent

In every resolution.
The monist embraces this,
The whole of this and not this
(Not without contradiction).
Abelard was stuck with saints,
Scriptures, Augustine, Jerome,
Hand-me down Aristotle,

Permissible Cicero.
How to praise doubt and question
The uncertain when the truth
Was known to have been revealed?
But we’re still stuck with those saints, 
Angelic mathematics,
Empirical prophecies,

And all the sempiternal 
Scriptures of contradiction
Inherent in that question,
Our one, obsessive question,
Is this thus or is this not?
Thus, not thus—divisible
And thus inseparable.

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