Sunday, February 18, 2018

Abravanel Hall, 18 February 2018

The red glass tendrils, pillar of fire by night,
Chihuly glowed through the glass wall,
A decade since Dave Brubeck played
In autumn on his final, Indian Summer tour.
Last night was High Noon, in concert, a full
Symphony orchestra below Gary Cooper
And Grace Kelly. All these living, all those dead.
The audience, mostly silver haired, cheered
When the bad guy got shot from behind
By the pretty young Quaker bride. America.
The couple left the small town twice. Once
With their happiness suddenly racked,
The bride distraught, the groom turning back.
The second time as battered killers of four men,
Exhausted, climbing on the same wagon,
Driving away in the same direction. Again.
The world all before them, but what bitter 
Way to wed, the Western in its highest form.
Outside, the crowd murmured in the mild air
Locals call “the warm before the storm.”

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