Friday, February 2, 2018

Divining Black Lake, 2 February 2018

Not exactly ex nihilo nihil fit. Nothing will
Come, and of nothing everything has been.
Speak again. The future is nothing, nothing
In it, the undiscovered country everything
Travels toward and from which everything
Obtains. Again. The future has created
The past, is creating the past. Because
Nothing is in the future, and only because
Nothing is the future is there, has there
Ever been anything. The future is nothing,
And nothing is the only cause, necessary
And sufficient, of everything trailing toward
Nothing, nothing, the only cause there is.
Because of this, therefore before this.
The Black Lake makes us by giving us a way
To change, a chance to erase, the creation
Of space, the plunge into gravity and grace.
The cause is all before us. Black Lake waits.

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