Friday, February 16, 2018

In the End, Nothing Happened, 16 February 2018

I wonder if the world would ever change
Enough, if the nature of the world would change
Enough to change the nature of change,
So that some things could truly be still,
So that pockets of genuine timelessness
Could be scattered around, with pockets
Of awareness entirely free from pain. Ah,
But then you couldn’t enter any of those
Timeless regions because your entrance
Would introduce a change, and you never
Could know if you were already in such a space,
Because thinking and reflection would require
Movement, which is change. Come to think
Of it, this may already describe the world
We are in, in which whatever timelessness
Exists is inaccessible except in dreams
And those at peace can’t know it, and those
On the fringes of Nirvana can be calmer
But can never knowingly, in the end, enter in.

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