Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Never Been Here Before, 27 February 2018

Never been anywhere before, never will be
Anywhere again. Always new but almost always
Familiar, experience works it way slowly
Through infinite variations on a theme.
The details are intriguing but the theme is so routine
One wishes, on occasion, for something major
To happen, even though by far the largest class
Of major happenings are disasters. One pushes
And takes fresh risks and is largely rewarded
By more of the familiarly similar, the only
Dramatic changes generally accruing
To one’s flesh, one’s self worth, one’s family,
One’s social relations. Enough about one.
There is the weather, today’s weather to discuss.
There is tomorrow to plan and more plans to rush
Into place in hopes of improving the future.
There is that little dangling carrot, progress.
Truth was the gods allowed a nibble, just
A nibble, a taste, to really torture Tantalus.

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