Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Pit Stop in Parowan, Utah, 7 February 2018

On the radio, someone’s speaking urgently 
About the consequences of belief. A hawk
Is circling over the field by the gas station.
Daughter stays in the back seat watching
The Lion King on a badly cracked iPad
While I lean at the gas pump, listening. 
Human voices cast as cartoon animals sing 
Inanely, “hakuna matata, no worries!”
In a dozen inflections, again and again.
No worries, eh? A different hawk lies broken
At the edge of the station parking lot. I am
Curious how it could have died at that spot.
Only a human would believe there are real 
Consequences to the convictions humans 
Hold. Only a human would be so daft
As to disagree and risk the consequences.

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